Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh How Times Have Changed!

Rummaging though my shoe collection I just found it funny so I had to share with you. I am a shoealolic but since having my boys the style has changed!

Before Kids.....

After Kids.....

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Decision Not to Work Outside the Home

When my 1st born was almost one I had to start thinking about going back to work! It was a topic I had avoided and dreaded through out my maternity leave and now I could avoid it no longer.

My husband and I were lucky that it was even a discussion as I know many women just don't have the option. For us it was decided that it was better that I stay at home with my boy which made me excited and scared all at the same time. Expenses were always on my mind but as well I was loosing my identity as a working woman.

After a few months I decided to start working on a freelance basis outside of the home, mostly on weekends so my husband could be at home with my son. It allowed me to not only contribute financially to the household again but also to reconnect a little with my former life as a person working outside of the home.

I started my beauty blog so I could continue to share my passion for beauty while at home with my son. This allowed me to have both things I love without feeling torn which has been amazing. It also forced me to stay in touch with what was happening in the industry which was good for me.

Now with two boys working outside the home has again become more difficult, but I am so thankful that I am at home with my children. Blogging as always has allowed me to remain connected with the outside world. I am home doing what I love while still being able to talk to others about my other passions as well!

How did you feel when faced with the decision of returning to work??

Abercrombie & Fitch Shame on You!

Last week it was reported on Fox that Abercrombie Kids had launched padded bikini tops fitting girls from the age of 8 to 14.... that's right I said padded bikini tops for 8 year olds.

Photo credit Fox

Once the article was released I immediately went to the Abercrombie site and saw that the page had been removed. I thought it was great that they had responded so quickly. Then I was told that they did not remove the product but simply placed them on a different page and no longer included padded in the name. So great now unsuspecting parents will order this for their 8 year old and get a padded top for their child??

Photo credit

I have a niece who falls into the target market for this product and I can't imagine her wearing something like this. I think it is terrible that in a society where children are growing up faster and faster that companies such as Abercrombie are sexualizing our children at such a young age! What happened to telling children that they were too young to dress a certain way??

What are your thoughts on this topic??

Saturday, March 26, 2011

From Makeup Bags to Diaper Bags

It doesn't seem long ago that a train case was what I carried most days... these days it's a diaper bag that is my everyday accessory!

If you know me from my other blog you know that I am a makeup artist by trade which is a job I love very much. However 4 1/2 years ago it quickly became second place to the most important job I have ever had and love even more... being a Mommy!

I now have two little boys, one 4 1/2 and the other is 5 months old. They are the hardest job I have ever had but the most rewarding as well. I have learned a lot so far on my journey and I have had a lot of fun along the way.

I am hoping to share with all of you my experiences as a mommy as well as share with you products etc I love. Even if your not a Mommy yet I hope you can still find some of what I have to say interesting and sometimes even amusing!

Being a Mommy has changed my life so much... and I wouldn't change it for a thing!